Nietzsches Wissenschaftsphilosophie / Nietzsche’s Philosophy of ScienceInternational Conference at the Technische Universität Berlin, July, 18.– 21. 2010
Die Sprache(n) Zarathustras – Nietzsches “Also sprach Zarathustra”Nietzsche-Werkstatt Schulpforta, 15. bis 18. September 2010
Nietzsche and PhenomenologySymposium, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association(May 30th, Montreal, Concordia University)
Conference Call for Papers: Nietzsche and NaturalismA Two Day Conference, Cardiff University, UK, September 20th-21st, 2010
Nietzsche Society 201032nd Annual Meeting of the Nietzsche Society, Montréal, Québec, 4 November 2010
After Nietzschean Narratives: Biography, History, Poetics and Philosophy2nd International Nietzsche Symposium in Finland, Jyväskylä University, 17-18 March 2010
CFP: Nietzsche, science, imaginationConference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Ankara, 2-6 August 2010
Guarigioni, rinascite, metamorfosi. Goethe, Schopenhauer e Nietzsche.Giornata di studio in memoria di Sandro Barbera, 5 febbraio 2010
Toward a Semantic Web of PhilosophyFrom Nietzsche Source to Scholarsource, École normale supérieure, 3 décembre 2009
Nietzsche: Instinct and LanguageInternational Conference, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), 9-10 november 2009
Reading a Reader: Nietzsche Between Sources and Reception / Le lecteur lu : Nietzsche entre ses sources et sa réceptionCall for Papers, 2010 Montreal Nietzsche Panel
Nietzsche and the Becoming of LifeInternational Conference, Santiago de Chile, 2, 3, 4 of November 2009
Gaia Scienza V. Dimensione teoretica e comunicazione filosoficaSeminario Permanente Nietzscheano, VI Edizione. Università di Pisa, 26-28 ottobre 2009
Nietzsche penseur de la politique ? Nietzsche penseur du social ?Congrès international, 6 et 7 juillet 2009, Toulouse