We hereby invite papers for the annual conference at the Nietzsche Dokumentationszentrum in Naumburg, Germany. Organizers on behalf of the Nietzsche-Gesellschaft are Helmut Heit (Berlin) and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (Reykjavik).
Nietzsche is as much known for his critical and deconstructive engagement with past and contemporary thought and culture as for his transformative demands and emphasis on the future. The concept of critique in Nietzsche’s philosophy is tied up with the notion of transformation and is a means towards the „transvaluation of values“. Critique as destructive or reconstructive responds to problems and crises, and aims at transforming culture, politics, systems of knowledge and power, as well as oneself in relation to oneself and others. The intention of this congress is to reflect upon the critical and transformative features of Nietzsche’s thought. Papers are welcomed that address the different concepts of critique in his philosophy and their repercussions in subsequent and contemporary critical philosophies and movements. Contributed papers will be grouped in four parallel sections according to the following headings:
Analysis: What are Nietzsche’s concepts of critique? How do they relate to his intellectual background, e.g. classical philology, the Kantian critical tradition, etc.?
Targets: What are the objects and modes of critique in Nietzsche? What are the destructive, polemic and reconstructive features of Nietzschean types of critique?
Aims: How and what is critique supposed to transform? What does his criticism aim at? Is a critique inspired by Nietzsche’s thought emancipatory, romantic, aristocratic, reactionary, liberal, humanist, posthumanist, etc.?
Impacts: Which approaches in contemporary critical thought draw upon Nietzsche’s philosophy? In what sense could feminist, ecological, avant-garde, conservative, post-secular, pro- or anticapitalist forms of critique possibly reflect Nietzsche’s critical thought?
Keynote-speakers include Christine Battersby, Simon Critchley, Luce Irigaray, Christoph Türcke, Martin Saar, and Herman Siemens.
To apply for a contributed paper please submit an abstract (maximum 500 words) and a brief CV by May 31, 2014. Notifications of acceptance will be made by end of June 2014.
Friedrich-Nietzsche-Stiftung und Nietzsche-Gesellschaft e.V.
Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum, Jakobsmauer 12, D-06618 Naumburg/Saale
E-mail: info@nietzsche-gesellschaft.de