Date: June 21st, 2007
Venue: S0.10 (ground floor, Social Studies)
Time: 10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
(Registration and coffee available from 09.15-10.00 in the Philosophy Common Room,
Rm: 2.71, 2nd Floor, Social Studies Building)
Speakers (the running order is subject to change):
10.00 a.m: Ken Gemes (Birkbeck London), “The Paradox of Affirmation”.
11.15. a.m. Christa Davis Acampora (Hunter College CUNY) “Naturalism Again”
12.30 – 2.00: Lunch
2.00: Tsarina Doyle (National University of Ireland), “Nietzsche and Natural Necessity”.
3.15: David Owen (Southampton), “Freedom, Necessity, Agency”.
4.30: Coffee Break
5.00: John Richardson (NYU), “Nietzsche’s Freedoms”.
Close: approx. 6.30 p.m.
Registration fee:
£5 unwaged, £10 waged. Free entry for Warwick students.
The warwick Nietzsche workshop