HyperNietzsche is an international research group devoted to the interpretation and publication of the work of Nietzsche. It is conceived and designed as a forum for encounters and discussions between scholars from different countries and different schools of thought and is devoted, in particular, to the following three activities.
1) Publication. HyperNietzsche promotes the publication and the translation of editions of Nietzsche`s works and of studies on Nietzsche, both in traditional printed and in digital form. Editions and studies in digital form will be published by Nietzsche Source, which presently comprises two editions (the standard Critical Edition and the Facsimile Edition of the complete works) as well as the multi-lingual international scholarly review Studia Nietzscheana.
2) Information. HyperNietzsche intends to gather and disseminate all information bearing on the current state of Nietzschian research. The chosen instrument of dissemination here will be the Nietzsche News Center, which will publish regularly, and in various languages, announcements of congresses, study days, seminars, courses, conferences etc.
3) Discussion. HyperNietzsche will regularly organize congresses, conferences, study days and research-based meetings and encounters in all the various countries to which its members belong. Every two years there will be organized an international congress, the Biennale Nietzscheana.
For legal purposes the research group is based on the Association HyperNietzsche, a non-profit association under French law (law of 1/7/1901) established at the École normale supérieure in Paris in the year 2001.
Site Web: www.hypernietzsche.org
Association HyperNietzsche 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005, Paris, France, info@hypernietzsche.org