Mattia Riccardi (Porto)
“Plato and Nietzsche on Unity and Disunity of the Soul”
Matthew Meyer (Scranton)
“The Dialectics of Nietzsche’s Metaphilosophies”
Paul Loeb (Puget Sound)
“Nietzsche’s Critique of Kant’s Priestly Philosophy”
Paul Katsafanas (Boston)
“Judging a Morality by Its Pathologies”
Peter Kail (Oxford)
(Title to be confirmed)
Anthony Jensen (Providence)
“‘I Discepoli di Schopenhauer’: Gaia Scienza 99 & 357”
Christopher Janaway (Southampton)
“Realities and Affect-interpretations in ‘The “Improvers” of Humanity’”
Robert Guay (Binghampton)
“What’s the Damage? Nietzsche on the Harms of Morality”
Tsarina Doyle (Galway)
“Nietzsche’s Metaphysics of the Will to Power in Beyond Good and Evil 36”
Rebecca Bamford (Quinnipiac/Fort Hare)
“How Free Spirited is Nietzsche’s Sovereign Individual?”
Tom Bailey (John Cabot)
“Will to Power: Nietzsche’s Transcendental Idealism”
Presented by Nietzsche in the North East.
If you wish to attend the workshop, please register with the organizer, Tom Bailey (tbailey@johncabot.edu).
Papers or extended abstracts will be circulated among participants on March 16.