Nietzsche, Value and Self-Constitution Conference
Date: 17-18th May 2014
Venue: St Peter’s College, Oxford
Dr Peter Kail (St Peter’s College, Oxford) and Dr Manuel Dries (OU | St Hilda’s College, Oxford)
Supported by:
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford; Department of Philosophy, The Open University; St. Peter’s College, Oxford; St Hilda’s College, Oxford.
Invited Speakers:
Prof. Jessica Berry (Georgia State University, US)
Prof. Maudemarie Clark (University of Californa Riverside, US)
Prof. David Dudrick(Colgate University, US)
Dr Andrew Huddleston (University of Oxford, UK)
Prof. Paul Katsafanas (Boston University, US)
Prof. Brian Leiter (University of Chicago, US)
Dr Mattia Riccardi (University of Oporto, Portugal)