We invite submissions to a special issue of Kriterion – Revista de Filosofia – on Nietzsche and the Kantian Tradition. Exegetical papers exploring the different sorts of reception of Kantian themes by Nietzsche (acceptance, assimilation, refusal and reformulation of recognizable Kantian views in the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, morals and aesthetics), as well as papers discussing the role played in this reception by various authors of the nineteenth century German philosophy (for instance, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Albert Lange, Afrikan Spir, Otto Liebmann, Otto Caspari, Gustav Teichmüller and Hermann von Helmholtz) would be specially welcome; submissions assessing the relevance of Nietzsche’s criticism of recognizable Kantian views in the light of contemporary reinterpretations of Kantianism will also be considered for this special issue. Submissions must be no longer than 15 double-spaced pages (including references). Papers must be original, unpublished and written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. See the instructions to authors at the following link: http://www.scielo.br/revistas/kr/iinstruc.htm
Contributions must be sent to the Editorial Board via email (kriterion@fafich.ufmg.br & kriterion@gmail.com). Please use “Submission to the Special Issue on Nietzsche & Kant” as the subject header in emails.
Kriterion is an open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to philosophical issues and edited by the faculty members in the Philosophy Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. All submitted papers are selected by the blind peer review process. The only exception to this editorial policy are the special Issues, which include papers by invited authors or papers given at the philosophical conferences hosted by the Philosophy Department of the UFMG. This special issue of Kriterion shall gather some of the papers given at the International Conference on Nietzsche and the Kantian Tradition, held at the UFMG in 2012.