This conference will be the sixth in a series examining Nietzsche’s relation to Kant and Kantianism, each focusing on specific areas and texts of Kant’s philosophy. After conferences on ethics in Leiden, aesthetics in London, epistemology in Lisbon, religion in Belo Horizonte, and anthropology in Lecce, the Rome conference will focus on Nietzsche and Kantian politics. Taking ‘Kantian politics’ to include modern and contemporary Kantian theories as well as Kant’s own theories in his Doctrine of Right and Perpetual Peace, the conference will concern Nietzsche’s engagement with such Kantian themes as autonomy and rights, equality and democracy, morality and politics, war and cosmopolitanism, history and anthropology. The format of the conferences involves the pre-circulation of papers among participants and extended sessions, so as to allow much time for discussion.
The conference is organized by Tom Bailey (tbailey@johncabot.edu) and funded by John Cabot University. There is no conference fee, but if you plan to attend, please register with Tom Bailey, who will also provide you with practical information and, at the end of November, the conference papers.
All sessions will take place in the Aula Magna at the University’s Guarini campus, in Via della Lungara 233, Trastevere, Rome.
Friday December 6
9.00 Tracy Strong (California, San Diego), ‘Nietzsche, Kant and Wagner: Revisiting the Birth of Tragedy’
11.00 Andrew Huddleston (Oxford), ‘Nietzsche on Decadence and Its Remedies’
2.00 Frederick Neuhouser (Barnard-Columbia), ‘Autonomy and Spiritual Illness’
4.00 Hugo Drochon (Cambridge), ‘Great Politics or Perpetual Peace? Nietzsche and Kant on Europe’s Future’
6.00 Andrew Benjamin (Monash/Kingston), ‘Too Early for Tranquility: The Limits of Epicurus’
Saturday December 7
9.00 David Owen (Southampton), ‘Freedom, Self-Respect and Agonism: Kant, Nietzsche and Political Philosophy’
11.00 Martine Prange (Leiden), ‘The Role of “Creative Conflict” in Human Development’