Nietzsche Source

Nietzsche Source is a web site devoted to the publication of scholarly content on the work and life of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche Source publishes essential and reliable scholarly editions and translations of Nietzsche’s works and estate. All publications are peer-reviewed and aspire to meet the highest quality standards. The content of the site and its internet addresses are stable and can be freely consulted and used for scholarly purposes.

The website is managed by the Nietzsche Source Organization (formerly, the Association HyperNietzsche), a non-profit organisation hosted at the École normale supérieure in Paris.

The Nietzsche Source Organization is a growing scholarly community of leading experts from different countries. It promotes research on Nietzsche through conferences and scientific events. Its main purpose is to continue work on the edition, commentary and interpretation of Nietzsche’s work.

Two editions are currently under publication in Nietzsche Source: the facsimile edition of the Nietzsche estate and the digital version of the standard critical edition.

The Digitale Kritische Gesamtausgabe Werke und Briefe (eKGWB) edited by Paolo D’Iorio and published by Nietzsche Source is the digital version of the German reference edition of Nietzsche’s works, posthumous fragments, and correspondence edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari (Friedrich Nietzsche, Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1967– and Nietzsche Briefwechsel. Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Berlin/New York, de Gruyter, 1975–).

The Digitale Faksimile Gesamtausgabe (DFGA) edited by Paolo D’Iorio and published by Nietzsche Source aims to provide for the first time a digital reproduction of the complete Nietzsche Estate, including first editions of works, manuscripts, letters and biographical documents. These are the primary sources for the study of Nietzsche’s works and life and for the interpretation of his philosophy. The facsimile edition will allow scholars to verify, for example, the genuineness of the different text editions, which are the basis of any subsequent philosophical interpretations.

The genetic editions of two of Nietzsche’s works The Wanderer and his Shadow and Dawn, including the reproduction of all related manuscripts, are in preparation.

If you would like to publish in Nietzsche Source an edition or a translation of Nietzsche’s works or should you find errors in the editions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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