New Nietzsche Studies is a journal of continental philosophy, featuring European and American reflections on Nietzsche’s thought.
The journal is edited by David B. Allison (the author of Reading the New Nietzsche and editor of the pathbreaking: The New Nietzsche) and, as Executive Editor, Babette E. Babich (author of Words in Blood, Like Flowers (2006) and Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Science (1994; updated German edition 2010), in addition to editing Habermas, Nietzsche, and Critical Theory (2003) and other collections, including two volumes on Nietzsche and the Sciences (1999). George Leiner is the Book Review Editor. Please direct all books for review or potential reviews to Babette Babich.
The journal has an internationally recognized board of editorial advisors.
For fifteen years beginning with its inception in 1995 (first issue published in 1996), New Nietzsche Studies, as the journal of the Nietzsche Society has offered a broad representation of contemporary readings of Nietzsche reflecting a continental (that is to say historically situated and contextually interpretive, i.e., hermeneutic) orientation to philosophy. Such approaches to philosophy continue to remain under-represented but New Nietzsche Studies is dedicated to offering a specialized resource for readers committed to the breadth and vitality of new perspectives on Nietzsche’s thought.
Drawing upon contemporary Nietzsche scholarship, New Nietzsche Studies publishes English-language authors from across the globe, both North and South, East and West. The journal brings non-English language research voices to the attention of English-reading scholars, featuring current translations from the German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, etc.
New Nietzsche Studies also publishes selected historical text in translation, including a first time English-langauge translation of Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff’s Zukunftsphilologie! (translated by Gertrude Postl, Babette Babich, and Holger Schmid) and featured in the 2000 centennial edition.
Membership in the Nietzsche Society includes a subscription to the journal. Print copies are still $40 with individual membership, $65, institutional. Online access available.