The OeRC is pleased to welcome Dr Paolo D’lorio from The Oxford Internet Institute and the Maison Française d’Oxford, to present a seminar entitled Scholarly information management: A Proposal on Tuesday 3 November 2009
Dr D’lorio will present the model of a digital research infrastructure for the Humanities. This model will 1) take in account the conditions of possibility of Scholarship, 2) rely on “Scholarly Communities on the Web” to lead the way towards digital scholarship, and 3) propose a general structure for scholarly content management.
A Philosopher by training, since 1998 Paolo has had a tenured research position at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Paris). Currently he is based in Oxford, associated to the Maison Maison Française d’Oxford and to the Oxford Internet Institute.
He works in two distinct fields: (1) the study of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy using methods of genetic criticism (critique génétique); (2) an enquiry into the conditions necessary for conducting scholarship on the Web, accompanied by the design and implementation of digital infrastructures for scholarship in the Humanities.
From 2001 to 2006 he has been director of the HyperNietzsche project at the University of Munich as Sofja Kovaleswkaja prize-winner of the Humboldt foundation and he is now general editor of Nietzsche Source. In the last years he coordinated three major European research projects: the Groupement de Recherche Européen Hyper-Learning, the COST Action Open Scholarly Communities on the Web, and the eContentplus project called Discovery – Digital semantic corpora for virtual research in philosophy.
This seminar is open to all and will start at 2pm in the OeRC Access Grid Room (room 277 – access available via 7 Keble Road).
More Information on the website of the Oxford Internet Institute.