November 13
13:30-14:00 Registration
14:00-15:30 Simon May (King’s College London), “Is Nietzsche a Life-Affirmer?”
15:45-17:15 Daniel Came (Hull), “What is it to ‘affirm life’?”
17:30-19:00 Ken Gemes (Birkbeck & New College of the
Humanities), “Nietzsche, Nihilism and the Paradox of Affirmation”
November 14
10:00-11:30 Bernard Reginster (Brown), “The Will to Nothingness”
11:45-13:15 Maudemarie Clark (UC Riverside & Colgate), “Saving the Will”
14:30-16:00 Chris Janaway (Southampton), “Who—or what—says Yes to life?”
16:30-18:00 Brian Leiter (Chicago), “The Truth is Terrible”
Registration fee: £15.00 (staff), £7.50 (students).
To reserve a place, please contact the conference organiser:
Dr. Daniel Came
Department of Philosophy
University of Hull
Cottingham Road Hull
Tel: +44 (0)1482-465618