Raetsel Mensch: Menschenwuerde nach Nietzsche (Humans as Riddle: Human Dignity after/according to Nietzsche) is the title of a symposium organised by the Nietzsche Forum Munich which will take place from the 25th until the 27th of October 2012 in the Seidl Villa in Munich.
Leading scholars of several disciplines will re-think the concept of human dignity whereby they will analyse Nietzsche’s criticism of the concept, question the relevance of this critique and consider its implications for contemporary debates. This has been done before by Stefan Lorenz Sorgner in his monograph Menschenwuerde nach Nietzsche (WBG, 2010) which has served as grounding and inspiration of the symposium.
List of speakers, talks titles and further informations concerning the conference: Symposion: Rätsel Mensch Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche
Further information concerning Sorgner’s monograph Menschenwuerde nach Nietzsche are available via Yunus Tuncel’s review .