BU Workshop in Late Modern Philosophy

October 14-15, 2011

This is the inaugural workshop in a new annual series. The workshops are designed to provide a venue for presenting new work on Late Modern Philosophy (roughly the period from 1750 through 1900).

For details see: http://people.bu.edu/pkatsa/workshop.html

BU Workshop on Late Modern Philosophy

Friday, October 14th

1:30-2:50 Bernard Reginster (Brown University)
“The Will to Nothingness: Nietzsche on the Meaning of the Ascetic Ideal”

3:00-4:20 Sally Sedgwick (University of Illinois-Chicago)
“Freedom and Necessity in Hegel’s Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Right”

4:30-6:00 Keynote Speaker: Alexander Nehamas (Princeton University)
“Nietzsche, Intention, Action”

6:00-7:00 Reception

Saturday, October 15th

9:00-10:20 Paul Katsafanas (Boston University)
“Kant and Nietzsche on the Will: Two Models of Reflective Agency”

10:30-11:50 Maudemarie Clark (Colgate College/University of
“Nietzsche’s Philosophical Psychology and its Ethical Implications” (tentative title)

12:00-1:30 Break for lunch

1:30-2:50 Charles Griswold (Boston University)
“Loving Another as though Yourself: Rousseau on Narcissism, Self-Love,
and Social Decay”(tentative title)

3:00-4:20 Frederick Neuhouser (Barnard College/Columbia University)
“Hegel on Life, Freedom, and Social Pathology”

4:30-5:50 Michael Rosen (Harvard University)
“The Darstellungsproblem”

6:00-7:00 Reception

The Workshop in Late Modern Philosophy is sponsored by the Boston University Humanities Foundation.

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