Between Reason and Unreason:
Nietzsche – The Enlightenment – Romanticism
September 9 – 11, 2011
Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations
Queen Mary College, University of London
The 2011 FNS conference will include the 2nd international workshop on Nietzsche and Kant, on the topic “Nietzsche and Kantian Aesthetics”.
According to some critics, Nietzsche opts out of the dialectic of Enlightenment and appeals in Romantic fashion to the Other of reason, whether in the form of the ancient Greek Dionysian or archaic ideals of nobility. Others highlight the ways in which Nietzsche’s unique style of critique deploys reason against the claims of Enlightenment reason, undermining the latter from within so as to extend our concept of reason. The purpose of this conference is to examine the place of Nietzsche’s thought between Reason and Unreason by focusing on its relation to the modern traditions of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. What is Nietzsche’s relation to the Enlightenment in the different phases of his work? Is he, as critic of Enlightenment reason, a representative of the counter-Enlightenment – or rather of an intensified form of Enlightenment critique? In what sense(s) can Nietzsche be characterised as a Romantic? Is his recourse to art an appeal to Other of reason – or is art rather the medium in which the claims of Enlightenment reason can be realised? In line with the venue of the conference at the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations, special attention will be given to Nietzsche’s relations to the German and Anglo-Saxon traditions of the Enlightenment and Romanticism.
The 2011 conference will follow the standard FNS conference format of five parallel sessions and five plenary sessions with well-known speakers in the field. In addition, it will include the 2nd international workshop on Nietzsche and Kant, on the topic “Nietzsche and Kantian Aesthetics”. This will involve invited speakers, but there will also be space for other relevant papers submitted through this call for papers.
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Marco Brusotti (TU Berlin / Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy)
Rüdiger Görner (Director of Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations, Queen Mary)
Beatrix Himmelmann(University of Trømso, Norway)
Nicholas Martin (University of Birmingham)
Frederick Neuhouser (Barnard College, Columbia University)
The Friedrich Nietzsche Society welcomes proposals for 30-minute papers on all topics bearing on the conference theme, including the following:
* Nietzsche and Reason / Nietzsche and the Irrational
* Nietzsche’s relation to both the Enlightenment and Romanticism
* Nietzsche and the Enlightenment / Nietzsche contra the Enlightenment
* Nietzsche and Romanticism / Nietzsche as Romantic
In line with the venue, abstracts on Nietzsche and individual thinkers or representatives of either tradition will be given preference where they address German and/or Anglo-Saxon figures; or equally, where they address understudied figures (e.g. Hoelderlin, Novalis, Schelling, Herder inter alia).
Abstracts should be submitted by May 31 2011. Please note this extended deadline.
Abstracts should be sent as attachments to friedrich.nietzsche.society@gmail.com with the following in the subject box:
In addition:
Abstracts for the 2nd international workshop on Nietzsche and Kant, on the topic “Nietzsche and Kantian Aesthetics” are also welcome. The workshop format will involve the pre-circulation of papers and brief presentations, to allow as much time as possible for discussion.
Abstracts for the workshop should also be submitted by May 31 2011.
Abstracts should be submitted as attachments to friedrich.nietzsche.society@gmail.com. Please put the following in the subject box: