The Program Committee of North American Nietzsche Society invites papers on all aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophical thought for presentation at one or more Society sessions to be held in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association 2011 Central Division meetings, to be held March 31 – April 2 in Minneapolis, at the Hilton Minneapolis Hotel.
Submitted papers will be blind-reviewed by the Program Committee, and will be assessed in terms of their quality, interest, and suitability for presentation.
• Authors are expected to be members of NANS, either at the time of submission or by the time the program is held.
• Presentation time for each paper is to be no more than 25 minutes (sufficient for reading approximately 12 normal manuscript pages). Authors are therefore strongly encouraged to submit papers of no greater length. Longer papers will be considered, but account will be taken of whether they appear to admit readily of shortening or summarizing.
• Submission of a paper constitutes a commitment by its author to permit its publication in International Studies in Philosophy if it is selected for presentation. Selected papers longer than 12 pages may have to be published in shortened form.
• Since papers are to be blind-reviewed, the author’s name (and institution) should appear only on a separate cover page, and not on the first or last page (or page headings) of the paper itself.
The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2010
NOTE: This is an earlier date than listed on our earlier Call For Papers
Authors will be notified on or about September 1st whether their papers have been selected.
Electronic submission required (preferably in Word/.doc format) to:
NANS Assistant, Matthew Rukgaber: rukgaber@illinois.edu
Inquires can be directed to the NANS assistant or the executive director, Richard Schacht:
E-mail: rschacht@illinois.edu
Mailing address:
North American Nietzsche Society
Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois
105 Gregory Hall, 810 South Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217)333-1939/333-2889. Fax: (217)244-8355.
Authors of accepted papers will need to send a final version of their submission for publication in International Studies in Philosophy. Authors should follow the scheme of abbreviations for Nietzsche citations found on the NANS website. Citations to other works should be in the text in author-date format, as in the Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.), with a reference list at the end of the work. All authors are encouraged to request a more specific and complete style guide directly from the editor, Jessica Berry [jberry@gsu.edu]. Final versions should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.