Thursday 3rd December 2009
Salle Jules Ferry, École normale supérieure,
29 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris
All welcome / Entrée libre
The European project Discovery has two main components: Philosource and Philospace. The Philosource federation contains an extensive, multilingual collection of reliable scholarly editions of philosophical texts, high quality reproductions of primary sources and a rich archive of videos including lectures and interviews featuring leading contemporary philosophers.
On top of this network of web sites lies Philospace, a desktop application that runs on a scholars’ personal computer and, thanks to the use of Semantic Web technologies, allows users to make ontoloy based annotations and share them with other users or merge them with external sources.
Think of the source as a vast territory ready to be explored, described, and mapped. You can travel and navigate through them at will but you can also design new maps and author guidebooks for others to read and respond to. Philosophy has often been thought of as a journey or exploration. This conference aims to show what this voyage could look like in the 21st century.
Morning Session
Philosophical Content
9.00–9.20, Paolo D’Iorio (CNRS, Paris, Oxford), Philosophy in the Cloud: the Philosource Approach
9.20–9.40, Benedetta Zavatta (University of Urbino), Sharing Semantic Knowedge in Scholarly Communities on the Web
9.40–10.00, Manuel Dries (Philosophy, Oxford), Nietzsche’s Idea of Nihilism: Ontology-based Semantic Enrichment
10.00–10.40, Alois Pichler (Wittgenstein Archive, Bergen), Publishing, “Ontologizing” and Semantic Enrichment of Wittgenstein’s Nachlass on the Web
10.40–11.00, Discussion
11.00–11.15, Coffee 45 rue d’Ulm
11.15–12.00, Cristina Marras / Antonio Lamarra (CNR-ILIESI, Rome), Daphnet: Classic and Modern Philosophy and the Semantic Web
12.00–12.40, Valentina Gasbarra (RaiNet, Rome), Sophiavision: Video Interviews with Contemporary Philosophers
12.40–13.00, Discussion
Afternoon Session
Semantic Technologies for the Humanities
14.30–15.00, Christine Madsen (Oxford Internet Institute), Interoperability and Impact of the Philosource Federation
15.00–15.20, Thierry Poibeau (CNRS-LIPN, Paris), ScholarWeb
15.20–15.35, Coffee 45 rue d’Ulm
15.35–16.20, Michele Barbera (Net7, Internet Open Solutions, Pisa), Talia: A Semantic Web-Powered Digital Library for the Humanities
16.20–16.35, Denis Pitzalis (The Cyprus Institute), IIPImage: Viewing and Zooming Very High-Resolution Images
16.35–16.50, Discussion
16.50–17.35, Christian Morbidoni (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona), Philospace: A Digital Semantic Web Notebook
17.35–18.00, Final Discussion
We gratefully acknowledge the support of:
European Commission, Programme eContentplus
Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (CNRS-ENS)
Maison Française d’Oxford (CNRS-MAEE)
Paolo D’Iorio (CNRS, Paris, Oxford) and Manuel Dries (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford)
Email: manuel.dries@philosophy.ox.ac.uk