31st Annual Meeting with the
Society for Existential Philosophy and Phenomenology
Marriot Key Bridge Hotel, Arlington, Virginia
Thursday, 29 October 2009, 9AM —12 Noon
Did Nietzsche Follow Friedrich Ritschl to Leipzig?
Anthony Jensen, CUNY, Lehmann College
Writing, Reading, Thinking, Feeling: Nietzsche & the Art of Living
Alan Milchman and Alan Rosenberg, CUNY, Queens College
Nietzsche as a Reader of Wilhelm Roux, or
The Physiology of History
Lukas Soderstrom, Université de Montréal, Canada
Is There Hope for History?
The Meanings of “History” in Nietzsche and Heidegger
Chiara Ricciardone, Berkeley
Chairperson: George Leiner, Saint Vincent College
Executive Committee: Debra Bergoffen, George Mason University; Gary Shapiro, University of Richmond; David B. Allison, SUNY, Stony Brook
ex officio: Babette Babich, Executive Director