Nietzsche on Mind and Nature
11-13 September 2009
St Peter’s College, University of Oxford
Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2009
Keynote speakers include:
Prof. Günter Abel, Germany.
Prof. Brian Leiter, USA.
Prof. Graham Parkes, Ireland.
Prof. Peter Poellner, UK.
Prof. Bernard Reginster, USA.
Prof. John Richardson, USA.
Prof. Galen Strawson, UK.
This conference seeks for the first time to consider Nietzsche’s philosophy of mind in relation to his philosophical naturalism. We hope to consider papers by
Nietzsche experts with a background in continental and/or analytic philosophy as well as from those working in the fields of philosophy of mind and naturalism with a strong interest in Nietzsche. For a list of potential topics, please go to the conference website
We invite submissions for 30-minute papers on the above or related topics. Please send an abstract of a maximum of 400 words via email by Sunday 15 March 2009 to
fnsox /at/ philosophy.ox.ac.uk
Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than 1 April 2009.
For further details, please visit the conference website at
or contact the organizers at
Dr. Peter Kail and Dr. Manuel Dries, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford.