International Conference
2, 3, and 4th of November 2009
The Institute of Humanities, Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile
This conference offers an occasion for a wide-ranging exploration and analysis of Nietzsche’s conception of life. While it is generally acknowledged that Nietzsche throughout his writing career advocates the affirmation of earthly life as a way to counteract nihilism and asceticism, the question of what this affirmation entails is still very much up for discussion. This conference wishes to consider the multiplicity of meanings – metaphysical, aesthetical, ethical, political, and scientific – that the idea of life recovers in Nietzsche’s work. Additionally, this conference wishes to provide a space for the presentation and discussion of Latin American Nietzsche scholarship.
Confirmed plenary speakers include:
Keith Ansell-Pearson, Warwick University, Great Britain.
Mónica Cragnolini, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Germán Cano Cuenca, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Christa Davis Acampora, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA.
José Jara, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
Herman Siemens, University of Leiden, Holland.
We welcome proposals for 30-minute papers on all topics relevant to the conference theme, including the following:
– Nietzsche and biology, evolutionary theory and psychology;
– Nietzsche’s conception of the body, of lives of animals/plants and of nature;
– Life and historicity; life, culture and memory; the future of life
– Fate and freedom; will to power; guilt, responsibility and the innocence of becoming;
– Dionysus and Apollo; tragedy and comedy; life and literature; the philosophical life;
– Nietzsche and philosophies of life
– Nietzsche and biopolitics;
– Nietzsche, geopolitics and the meaning of the earth
Papers on other relevant topics will also be considered. Early submissions are welcome. Conference languages are Spanish and English. We will work with simultaneous translation during plenary sessions. Please send an abstract of a maximum of 600 words and an abbreviated CV (1 page) via e-mail by 15 March 2009 to Nietzsche.Santiago@gmail.com. Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than 15 April 2009.
For further information, please visit the conference website (under construction) at www.nietzsche.cl or contact the organizers at Nietzsche.santiago@gmail.com.
Organization: Vanessa Lemm, Institute of Humanities, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile.
Vanessa.Lemm@udp.cl http://www.udp.cl