30th Annual Nietzsche Society Meeting with the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Marriot City Center, Salon 3, Pittsburgh, PA
Thursday October 16, 2008 9AM to 12 NOON
Chairperson: George Leiner, St. Vincent College
Zarathustra’s Prologue: An Anti-Evolutionary Reading of the Übermensch
Dirk R. Johnson, Hampden-Sydney College
Nietzsche’s Slogan of Spiritual Macht, ‘Live dangerously’ versus Mussolini’s War-Cry ‘Vivi pericolosamente’
Jacob Golomb, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nietzsche and Phenomenology: A Reassessment of Nietzsche’s Middle Works
Christine Daigle, Brock University
Commentary on Johnson, Golomb, and Daigle
Joshua Mills-Knutsen, University of Kentucky
A short business meeting will follow.