Dear All,
I would like to invite you to our Conference on Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, on 14-16th November 2008 at the University of Wales, Lampeter in lovely rural Wales.
The Keynote Speaker for the event will be Graham Parkes, who among many other achievements, is the translator of Thus Spoke Zarathustra for Oxford University Press (2005).
This weekend conference has been organised to celebrate the release of Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Before Sunrise (Edited by James Luchte, Continuum International Publishing), a volume of essays by an international team of scholars who will be on hand to share their explorations of Nietzsche’s seminal work.
Arno Boehler
Thomas Brobjer
Vanessa Lemm
Uschi Nussbaumer-Benz
Graham Parkes
Yunus Tuncel
Gudrun Von Tevenar
Peter Yates
To find out more about the Conference on Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, including Speaker Biographies, Event Timetable, Conference Fee and Travel Information, please visit:
Please return the Application Form with your fee by 20 October 2008.
For more information, please contact event organiser Dr. James Luchte at j.luchte@lamp.ac.uk
I hope to see you in November.
Kindest regards,
Dr. James Luchte
Lecturer of European Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
University of Wales, Lampeter
Lampeter, Wales SA48 7ED